Course curriculum

    1. Activated-Carbon-Adsorption

    2. (ISTE) Alain Vignes - Extractive Metallurgy 2_ Metallurgical Reaction Processes-Wiley-ISTE (2011)

    3. Advances-in-Gold-Ore-Processing

    4. Alexandre Chagnes, Jolanta Swiatowska - Lithium Process Chemistry_ Resources, Extraction, Batteries, and Recycling-Elsevier (2015)


    6. C. K. Gupta, T. K. Mukherjee - Hydrometallurgy in Extraction Processes, Volume II-CRC Press (1990)

    7. Circuitos de comminucion y molienda Operacion y Optimizacion - Español

    8. Crystallography and the World of Symmetry

    9. Dimensionamiento-y-Optimizacion-Plantas-as-Jaime-Sepulveda (1)

    10. DISEÑO -Proceso-y-Tratamiento-de-Minerales METSO (1)

    11. Dr. h. c. Carl W. Correns (auth.)-Introduction to Mineralogy_ Crystallography and Petrology-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1969)

    12. Fluid Inclusion Effect in Flotation of Sulfide Minerals by Shuming Wen

    13. Gold - Science and Applications

    14. Gran Guia de la Naturaleza Minerales y Cristales - Rupert Hochleitner (1)

    15. Havlík Tomás. - Hydrometallurgy Principles and applications

    16. Hidrometallurgy - Fundamentals and Applications

    17. Hidrometalurgia Quimica e Ingeniería

    18. J. C. Yannopoulos (auth.) - The Extractive Metallurgy of Gold-Springer US (1991)

    19. Ilyas, Sadia_ Lee, Jae-chun - Gold Metallurgy and the Environment-CRC Press (2018)

    20. Metalurgia_del_Oro_Au

    21. Simulacion-de-Circuitos-de-Molienda AUSTIN -CONCHA

    22. Srdjan M. Bulatovic - Handbook of Flotation Reagents_ Chemistry, Theory and Practice_ Flotation of Sulfide Ores. Volume 1-Elsevier Science (2007) (1)

    23. Srdjan M. Bulatovic - Handbook of Flotation Reagents_ Chemistry, Theory and Practice_ Volume 2_ Flotation of Gold, PGM and Oxide Minerals (2010) (1)

    24. Srdjan M Bulatovic - Handbook of flotation reagents. Volume 3 _ chemistry, theory and practice _ flotation of industrial minerals-Elsevier (2015) (1)

    25. Tratamiento de residuos de cianuracion


    1. ✅ PAE METALURGIA _ Información Completa

    2. ◼️ PAE Metalurgia

    3. ☑️ METSIM_ Información Completa

    4. ◼️Taller Práctico de METSIM_ Parte 1

    5. ◼️ Taller Práctico de METSIM_ Parte 2

About this course

  • Gratis
  • 31 lecciones
  • 1 hora de contenido de video